This is an update to the original notice:
The timeline for the Cherry Glen piping project has been updated. This project impacts traffic on 12th avenue. An updated map and timeline can be found here.
KID would like to let our community know that we will be conducting a piping project that will present a traffic alteration to residents of the Cherry Glen neighborhood and drivers using 12th Avenue in Kennewick.
KID will be installing pipe located along W. 12th Ave between S. Reed St. and S. Morain St. During this time, portions of W. 12th Avenue will be closed daily with road access reopening each night. It is imperative that vehicles are not parked along the roadway during these times.
We would like to express our continued appreciation to you for your cooperation during this project and apologize for the inconvenience it may cause to your commute.
If you have questions or comments, please contact our Customer Service team at 509.586.9111.