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NOTICE! The amount due does not include any LID payment that certain owners may have.
2025 Schedule of Rates & Charges; and Assessments
The District schedule provides for charges for the irrigation services provided to deliver an allotment to irrigable member parcels at a base charge to be paid by each parcel, under RCW 87.03.455 (5). Excess water over the base quantity will be billed at rates consistent with Section 5 below. Each parcel within the District is charged according to the following tiered Rate Schedule, together with the other charges hereunder:
Tier | Parcel Size | Non-Pressurized | Pressurized |
1 | Less than or equal to 0.0750 acres | $29 | $29 |
2 | Between 0.0751 and 0.150 acres | $247 | $362 |
3 | Between 0.151 and 0.250 acres | $310 | $457 |
4 | Between 0.251 and 0.450 acres | $339 | $514 |
5 | Between 0.451 and 0.650 acres | $417 | $642 |
6 | Between 0.651 and 1.100 acres | $465 | $739 |
7 | Between 1.101 and 1.800 acres | $532 | $843 |
8 | Between 1.801 and 3.000 acres | $596 | $957 |
9 | Between 3.001 and 5.000 acres | $675 | $1103 |
10 | Between 5.001 and 8.000 acres | $774 | $1294 |
11 | Larger than 8.001 acres | $111/acre | $139/acre |
Condominium & Townhome Units Rate Calculation
KID is required by State law to charge individual condominium units for their proportionate ownership share of the total acreage of the project as identified in the condominium declaration or legal ownership documents. The exception to this would be where the common area is legally owned exclusively by the Homeowners‘ Association, which would be charged like any other property owner. The KID assessment for units developed and held under the enabling condominium legislation (Chapters 64.32 and 64.34 RCW) shall be: The Tier 1 Charge above plus any applicable charges below, levied against each condominium unit.
Other Charges when Applicable
In addition to the eleven tiered rates in Section 1, parcels shall be charged as follows:
Each parcel, including condominium units, will be charged the 2025 Capital Upgrade & Improvement Charge of $78.60 per parcel.
- Each parcel will be charged the 2025 New Water Infrastructure and Supply Fund charge of $5.92 for each parcel and a proportional per acre charge of $5.92 an acre for parcels of one acre or less and $5.92 per irrigable acre for parcels greater than one acre.
Parcels with outstanding KID-financed Local Improvement District assessments will continue to be subject to such assessments.
Surcharges Applicable to Certain Locations or Services
- Customers served via the Red Mountain Service Area (RMSA) will pay a RMSA Capital Surcharge of $43.60 per acre.
- Customers served via the Red Mountain Service Area (RMSA) will pay a RMSA Operating Surcharge of $44.40 per acre.
- Customers connected and utilizing the Division IV 33.8 Transmission system, if not paid in full previously, will pay $229.61 per acre for the Transmission Surcharge for 10 years.
- Customers connected and utilizing the D4 33.8-4 Distribution system, if not paid in full previously, will pay $307.44 per acre for the Distribution Surcharge for 10 years.
- Customers connected and utilizing the Jamesville Benefit Area, if not paid in full previously, will pay $600.89 per Equivalent Irrigation Units (EIU) annually for 10 years.
- Customers receiving additional Red Mountain water allocations in 2018, if not paid in full previously, will pay a surcharge of $610.34 per acre water allocation annually for 25 years.
- Customers in the Clearwater Creek service area who were previously provided irrigation water by the City of Richland, and had an established account have a transitional rate that adjusts year to year until 2030 when the rate will be the same as the rates and tolls and charges listed in Sections 1 and 3. The 2025 charges are as follows:
- Tier 2 | $310.21
- Tier 3 | $339.74
- Tier 4 | $360.64
- Capital Upgrade and Improvement Charge | $62.94
- New Water Infrastructure | $5.41
- Customers connected and utilizing the infrastructure in the Highland Gardens Benefit Area, if not paid in full previously, and not deferred, will pay $793.91 per Equivalent Irrigation Unit (EIU) annually for 10 years. Customers who have elected to defer payment of this surcharge, will pay $120 annually, see Resolution 2020-38 for more specific information
- Customers connected and utilizing the infrastructure in the Lorayne J Water Service Area, if not paid in full previously, and not deferred, will pay $643.33 annually for 10 years. Customers who have elected to defer payment of this surcharge will pay $120 annually, see Resolution 2021-02 for more specific information
- Customers connected and utilizing the infrastructure in the Martin Meadows Benefit Area, if not paid in full previously, and not deferred, will pay $786.40 per Equivalent Irrigation Unit (EIU) annually for 10 years. Customers who have elected to defer payment of this surcharge will pay $120 annually, see Resolution 2022-25 for more specific information
- Customers connected and utilizing the infrastructure in Main Canal (MC) 12.2-1, 12.2-2, 12.5-1, 12.8-1, 13.1-1, and 13.41-1 Service Areas, if not paid in full previously, and not deferred, will pay $68.98 per Equivalent Irrigation Unit (EIU) (Storage Component) and the following amounts for Service Location Components annually for 10 years:
- MC 12.2-1 | $107.92
- MC 12.2-2 | $80.94
- MC 12.5-1 | $107.92
- MC 12.8-1 | $323.76
- MC 13.1-1 | $35.97
- MC 13.4-1 | $20.24
- Customers who have elected to defer payment of this surcharge will pay $120 annually, see Resolution 2023-11 for more specific information
- Customers connected and utilizing the infrastructure in Main Canal (MC) 12.8-1, 13.1-1, 13.1-2 and 13.4-1 Service Areas, if not paid in full previously, and not deferred, will pay $116.78 per Equivalent Irrigation Unit (EIU) annually for 10 years. Customers who have elected to defer payment of this surcharge will pay $120 annually, see Resolution 2023-12 for more specific information
- Customers connected and utilizing the infrastructure in the MC 11.9-1, 12.2-1, 12.2-2, and 12.5-1 Benefit Area, if not paid in full previously, and not deferred, will pay $160.80 per Equivalent Irrigation Unit (EIU) annually for 10 years. Customers who have elected to defer payment of this surcharge will pay $120 annually, see Resolution 2023-09 for more specific information.
- Customers connected and utilizing the infrastructure in the MC 12.2-2 Benefit Area, if not paid in full previously, and not deferred, will pay $139.26 per Equivalent Irrigation Unit (EIU) annually for 10 years. Customers who have elected to defer payment of this surcharge will pay $120 annually, see Resolution 2023-42 for more specific information.
Excess water charge for non-pressurized systems will be as follows:
The annual allotment of water is 3.5 acre-feet of water per acre of land. For the first acre-foot or fraction thereof above allotment, at a rate of $34.28 per acre-foot ($100.00/3.5 = $28.57 X 120% = $34.28); for each acre-foot or fraction in excess of the first acre-foot above the allotment, the rate is $40 per acre-foot ($100.00/3.5 = $28.57 X 140% = $40).
Excess water charge for pressurized systems will be as follows:
The excess water charge for pressurized systems is as follows:
The annual allotment of water is 3.5 acre-feet of water per acre of land. For the first acre foot or fraction thereof above allotment, at a rate of $42.85 per acre-foot ($125.00/3.5 = $35.71 X 120% = $42.85); for each acre-foot or fraction in excess of the first acre-foot above the allotment, the rate is $49.99 per acre-foot ($125.00/3.5 = $35.71 X 140% = $49.99).
Pursuant to KID Policy 3.2-3 and consistent with the USBR/KID Contract, excess water charges, when multiple parcels receive water from a single measured delivery point, will be prorated among allotted parcels based on the number of acres in the allotment for each parcel. The charges will be prorated in this manner even if the actual usage of excess water is not proportionate, unless the individual parcels are metered, or individualized use is established by KID and the Watermaster.
Surcharges Applicable to Certain Locations or Services
Each parcel within the District that is allotted water is assessed according to the following tiered rate schedule:
Tier | Parcel Size | Non-Pressurized | Pressurized |
1 | Less than or equal to 0.0750 acres | $29 | $29 |
2 | Between 0.0751 and 0.150 acres | $247 | $362 |
3 | Between 0.151 and 0.250 acres | $310 | $457 |
4 | Between 0.251 and 0.450 acres | $339 | $514 |
5 | Between 0.451 and 0.650 acres | $417 | $642 |
6 | Between 0.651 and 1.100 acres | $465 | $739 |
7 | Between 1.101 and 1.800 acres | $532 | $843 |
8 | Between 1.801 and 3.000 acres | $596 | $957 |
9 | Between 3.001 and 5.000 acres | $675 | $1103 |
10 | Between 5.001 and 8.000 acres | $774 | $1294 |
11 | Larger than 8.001 acres | $111/acre | $139/acre |
Each parcel shall be credited for the amount paid to the District as rates and charges under the tiered rate schedule, up to the amount of the Assessment against the Parcel under this Section 6.