KID Capital Projects/SEPA Documents

PSA 120, Willowbrook & Clearwater Creek Pump Station

Type: New Construction
Completion Date: 2020
Cost: ~$600,000

Kennewick Irrigation District is replacing the nearly 40-year-old pump house with a new facility. This replacement will improve reliability and consistency with water delivery and improve water quality with added filtration.

Kennewick Irrigation District has partnered with Tapteal Greenway, Lower Columbia Basin Audubon Society, Washington Department of Fish & Wildlife, and the City of Richland to improve the trail area around the facility.

Canal Lining

Type: Water Conservation
Completion Date: Ongoing
Outside Funding: $3,785,300
KID Funding: $11,204,267

KID was just awarded a $1-million WaterSMART grant from the Bureau of Reclamation to continue our canal lining and modernization program. This grant money, along with capital dollars, will help line another 5.6 miles of canal. Canal lining decreases the chance of a canal breach, provides a barrier against weeds and rodents, conserves water, reduces maintenance costs, and improves water delivery. Since 2010, KID has lined over 25 miles of canal.

Central Storage Reservoir

Type: TBD
Completion Date: TBD
Outside Funding: TBD
KID Funding: TBD

Kennewick Irrigation District recently held an open house on August 26th in regards to the proposed reservoir. In that Zoom meeting, there were a number of questions and concerns that were addressed. You can find those responses by clicking on the link below. If you have a question you’d like to have added to this FAQ, please submit them to