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KID Central Storage Annotated Bibliography for the Online Resource Library
Cataclysms on the Columbia (1986)
Allen, John Eliot, and Burns, Marjorie, with Sargent, Sam C. (1986). Cataclysms on the Columbia. Portland, OR: Timber Press.
Description of a major geological event that shaped not only the greater region but also the local geomorphology of Badger Coulee.
Geology of the Pacific Northwest (1996)
Orr, Elizabeth L., and Orr, William N. (1996). Geology of the Pacific Northwest. New York: McGraw-Hill
General geology textbook that covers the Pacific Northwest, including the project site in the Columbia River Plateau.
Soil Survey of Benton County, Washington (1919)
Description of soils in Benton County, including the project area(s).
Soil Survey of Benton County, Washington (1971)
Updated description of soils in Benton County, including the project area(s).
Water in the Lower Yakima River Basin, Washington (1985)
Generalized description of surface water and groundwater resources in the Yakima basin, including irrigation development.
Natural streamflow estimates for watersheds in the lower Yakima River (2005)
Estimates of natural streamflow in small watersheds in the lower Yakima, including the West Fork Amon Wasteway, an irrigation drainage feature of KID that part of the project area(s) drains to. It is estimated that 1% of the runoff in the drainage is natural, with the rest being derived mostly from irrigation influences. It was concluded that due the lack of consistent water in these drainages that habitat suitable to salmon did not exist historically before the development of irrigation.
Interim Comprehensive Basin Operating Plan (2002)
Comprehensive description of operation of the Yakima Project, including the Kennewick Division that KID is part of.
Yakima River Basin Study Water Needs for Out-of-Stream Uses Technical Memorandum (2011)
Estimates of out-of-stream water needs in the Yakima basin, including irrigation needs for districts, including KID.
Yakima River Basin Study Yakima River Basin Water Resources Technical Memorandum (2011)
Brief overview of water resources (surface and ground) in the Yakima and Columbia rivers as a part of the federal Yakima River Basin Study that led to the Integrated Plan.
Yakima River Basin Study, Volume 1, Proposed Integrated Water Resource Management Plan (2011)
Yakima Basin Integrated Plan guiding framework document, including descriptions of proposed water supply projects as well as enhanced agricultural conservation program.
Yakima River Basin Integrated Water Resource Management Plan, Final Programmatic Environmental Impact Statement, Benton, Kittitas, Klickitat, and Yakima Counties (2012)
Programmatic EIS written in fulfillment of NEPA/SEPA requirements for the YBIP. Includes description of how reach-based benefits should work for agricultural conservation projects that reduce diversions of non-consumptive water.
Benton County Groundwater Nitrate Community Action Plan (2008)
Plan of action for addressing nitrate contamination of groundwater in Benton County, including Badger Coulee. Potential actions include irrigation water management and nutrient management guidelines; voluntary programs, incentives, and education related to implementing best management practices; and social marketing and public education to influence behavioral changes needed to protect groundwater sources.
Badger Canyon Groundwater Investigation for the Kennewick Irrigation District, Kennewick, Washington (1983)
Study that concluded that an area of elevated water table n Badger Coulee to the east of the project area(s) was caused by infiltration of water imported from outside of the basin (diverted from the Yakima River). An estimated 60-70 percent of the water table increase was due to canal seepage, and the other 30-40 percent was due to irrigation return flows.
Changes in Groundwater Levels and Groundwater Budgets, from Predevelopment to 1986, in Parts of the Pasco Basin, Washington (1997)
Drost, B.W., Cox, S.E., and Schurr, K.M. (1997). Changes in Groundwater Levels and Groundwater Budgets, from Predevelopment to 1986, in Parts of the Pasco Basin, Washington. United States Geological Survey Water-Resources Investigations Report 96-4086. Tacoma, WA: Author.
Discusses the effects of canal seepage on the groundwater table in the eastern portion of Badger Coulee.
Groundwater Nitrate Characterization Report, Benton County, Washington (2017)
Discusses activities that contribute to groundwater nitrate contamination in Benton County, including Badger Coulee, as well as occurrence, movement, and sources of nitrate, identification of areas in the county of high nitrate concentration, and provision of a baseline for the community to improve groundwater quality.
Distribution and Sources of Nitrate, and Presence of Fluoride and Pesticides, in Parts of the Pasco Basin, Washington (1995)
Ebbert, J.C., Cox, S.E., Drost, B.W., and Schurr, K.M. (1995). Distribution and Sources of Nitrate, and Presence of Fluoride and Pesticides, in Parts of the Pasco Basin, Washington, 1986-88. United States Geological Survey Water-Resources Investigations Report 93-4197. Tacoma, WA: Author.
Discusses the chemical composition of unconfined groundwater of Badger Coulee and of the surface water in the KID main canal.
Kennewick Irrigation District Badger Coulee Recapture of Artificially-stored Project Water Report (2015)
Describes the extent of artificially stored groundwater in Badger Coulee that results from canal leakage and irrigation return flows and would be available for KID recapture and reuse.
River-Aquifer Exchanges in the Yakima River Basin, Washington (2011)
Describes river-aquifer exchanges in the Yakima River basin through the examination of chemical isotope data, river reach gains and losses, stream channel vertical hydraulic gradients, concurrent water levels and temperatures instream and in nearby wells, and longitudinal profiles of stream temperatures.
Yakima River Basin Study, Volume 1, Proposed Integrated Water Resource Management Plan (2011)
Yakima Basin Integrated Plan guiding framework document, including descriptions of proposed water supply projects as well as enhanced agricultural conservation program.
Yakima River Basin Study Yakima River BasinWater Resources Technical Memorandum (2011)
Brief overview of water resources (surface and ground) in the Yakima and Columbia rivers as a part of the federal Yakima River Basin Study that led to the Integrated Plan.
Yakima River Basin Study Water Needs for Out-of-Stream Uses Technical Memorandum (2011)
Characterizes current and future water needs for irrigation and other out-of-stream purposes in the Yakima River basin.
Yakima River Basin Integrated Water Resource Management Plan, Final Programmatic Environmental Impact Statement, Benton, Kittitas, Klickitat, and Yakima Counties (2012)
Programmatic EIS written in fulfillment of NEPA/SEPA requirements for the YBIP. Includes description of how reach-based benefits should work for agricultural conservation projects that reduce diversions of non-consumptive water
Natural Vegetation of Oregon and Washington (1988)
Franklin, Jerry F., and Dyrness, C.T. (1988) Natural Vegetation of Oregon and Washington. Corvallis, OR: Oregon State University Press.
Description of native vegetation zones in Oregon and Washington, including the project area which is associated with the Artemisia tridentata/Agropyron spicata (big sagebrush/bluebunch wheatgrass) zone.
Conservation Status Ranks of Washington’s Ecological Systems (2015)
Ranking of priority ecosystems in Washington for conservation.
Ecological Systems of Washington State. A Guide to Identification (2015)
Description of the ecological systems of Washington, including identification keys.
Level III and Level IV Ecoregions of Washington (2010)
Map of Level III and Level IV ecoregions of Washington.
An Evaluation or Coho Salmon Spawning Habitat in Amon Creek: Benton County, Washington (2005)
Suitability of Amon Wasteway for Salmonid Production (2010)
Suitability of the West Fork Amon Wasteway for Salmonids (2015)
Integration of Macroinvertebrate and Chemical Indices to Assess Water Quality of an Irrigation Wasteway (2001)
Evaluation of Water Temperature Effects on Adult Sockeye Salmon (Oncorhynchus nerka) Behavior in the Yakima River, Washington, 2019 (2020)
Study that found that elevated summer water temperatures in the lower Yakima River prevented sockeye salmon from entering the river during a critical migration period and forced them to find spawning opportunities elsewhere.
Evaluation of Factors Affecting Migration Success of Adult Sockeye Salmon (Oncorhynchus nerka) in the Yakima River, Washington, 2020 (2021)
Study that confirms that elevated summer water temperatures and piscivorous birds are factors affecting the migration success of adult sockeye salmon in the Yakima River.
Evaluating the Columbia River Pump Exchange Project Using the Stream Network Temperature Model (2001)
Study with modeling that found that the proposed Columbia River Pump Exchange project could improve water temperatures in the reach between Prosser and Chandler by one to two degrees Celsius depending on the conditions. However, temperatures were not highly responsive to flow alterations, indicating that equilibrium with air temperatures was already reached before the river water reaches Prosser.
Evaluation of Salmonid Survival Resulting from Flow Alterations to the Lower Yakima River (2005)
A study looking at existing PIT tag data over a period of years that concluded that additional flow between Prosser Dam and Chandler had a strong effect on Prosser to McNary survival for fall chinook smolts, and intermediate effect for coho smolts, and a minimal effect for spring chinook and steelhead smolts. The data was highly variable, and the flow-survival relationships are subject to many qualifiers.
Biological Assessment on the Operations and Maintenance of the Yakima Project (2015)
Reclamation’s Biological Assessment (BA) on the potential effects of the operation and maintenance (O&M) of the Yakima Project on threatened and endangered species and related critical habitats under the Endangered Species Act (ESA).
Yakima River Basin Study Instream Flow Needs Technical Memorandum (2011)
Technical memo describing priority reaches of the Yakima River and major tributaries, including reaches that could benefit from increased instream flow. The lower Yakima River is not identified as a priority reach.
Yakima River Basin Study, Volume 1, Proposed Integrated Water Resource Management Plan (2011)
United States Bureau of Reclamation. (2011). Yakima River Basin Study, Volume 1, Proposed Integrated Water Resource Management Plan. Yakima, WA: Author.
Yakima Basin Integrated Plan guiding framework document, including descriptions of proposed fish passage and habitat projects.
Yakima River Basin Integrated Water Resource Management Plan, Final Programmatic Environmental Impact Statement, Benton, Kittitas, Klickitat, and Yakima Counties (2012)
United States Bureau of Reclamation. (2012). Yakima River Basin Integrated Water Resource Management Plan, Final Programmatic Environmental Impact Statement, Benton, Kittitas, Klickitat, and Yakima Counties. Yakima, WA: Author.
Programmatic EIS written in fulfillment of NEPA/SEPA requirements for the YBIP. Includes analysis of impacts and benefits to fish related to the proposed elements of the Integrated Plan.
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