The Kennewick Irrigation District (KID) would like to let our customers know that the last anticipated date of water delivery for the 2016 season will be Monday, October 17, 2016. The water off date fluctuates due to limits within KID’s water right. According to KID’s contract with the Bureau of Reclamation, KID is allowed to divert a defined amount of water from the Yakima River for irrigation purposes, each month between April and October. This amount cannot exceed the defined total annual water allotment for the entire irrigation season. Typically, KID reaches this amount between the first and third weeks of October.

On October 17th KID will begin baseline testing. Baseline testing lasts for about 1 week and is conducted in order to measure the amount of water seepage from canals. During testing, canals may appear to be full due to the backup of water, which allows KID to measure the amount of water that is lost from starting point to end point. During testing, KID holding ponds will also remain full in order to effectively administer aquatic weed treatments.

KID would like to remind our customers to prepare their systems and their yards now, for the winter months ahead. After water is turned off for the season, winterize your valve and have sprinkler systems blown out, to help prevent cracking and breakage during freezing temperatures.

More information, including instructional videos on topics, such as winterizing your 3-Way valve, can be found here on our website news center at