Help Reading My Bill

Number Key:

1. Capital Project Assessment | Cost of maintaining & rehabilitating system infrastructure/canal lining, etc.

2. Tier (?) Pressurized O & M | Cost of bringing water from diversion point to a delivery point

3. Union Street Pump Station Upgrade | Cost to upgrade pump station due to safety issues of existing pump station*

4. LID Construction Note | Annual repayment for LID construction loan note if applicable. For remaining balance, contact :*

5. Excess Water | Property owners exceeding their annual water allocation will be charged an excess water fee based upon the amount of use over their allocation, per our US Bureau of Reclamation contract*

6. Local Area Capital Surcharge | Participant approved charge applies to those benefiting from Local Improvement District projects; Red Mountain, Distribution, Transmission, etc.*

7. Local Area O&M Surcharge | Participant approved charge for the purpose of continued operation and maintenance pertaining to Local Improvement District projects*

8. New Water Infrastructure – Per Acre – | To develop new water sources for use in a drought

9. New Water Infrastructure – Per Parcel – | To develop new water sources for use in a drought

10. Payment Dates | Dates the payments are due.

11. HH Donations | You may donate any amount to help others who are not able to pay their KID assessment (See “Helping Hands” publication for more information)

*Please Note: Charges on items 3-7 are for specific areas, not all accounts will receive this charge