If you need to make a payment, we offer the following:

*24-Hour drop box | Located right next to our main entrance
Pay over phone | Call 509.586.9111
Pay online | Visit payments.kid.org
*If you’re wanting to pay in cash, please know that we’ll only be able to accept exact amounts through our drop box (envelopes will be provided)

Please note:    If paying by credit card, there is a 2.75% surcharge. You can avoid this surcharge by paying with a check through our automated phone system.

For your convenience, you can now pay by check via our website!
Avoid postage and surcharges by signing up today – all you’ll need is the phone number you have on file with us and your account number.

If you have any questions or concerns, you can call 509.586.9111 and one of our customer service representatives will be able to help you.