Title Company Portal

Title Companies

Please click on the portal where you can access payoff information 24 hours a day on properties within the Kennewick Irrigation District. Requests made by email will no longer be accepted if the property can be accessed through the portal.

If you don’t already have a user name and password, you can also click the button below to sign up. Once approved you can begin to use the site.

If you already have a login that is shared with other users and you would prefer to have your own login, please feel free to create your own login by using the link below. As long as your domain is the same company domain, you will be approved.

To use the site; simply type in the parcel number and click on the PDF button, you will be provided the summary statement for the parcel. If the parcel is not within the KID boundaries or there is additional information on the parcel (surcharge, LID loan) you will get a message that the statement is unable to be generated. That message will include a number and/or email to contact customer service.

Please let us know if you have any questions by calling our Customer Service Department at 509.586.9111, option 0.