Monday, October 10, 2011, The Kennewick Irrigation District will begin water shutdown in a safe and reliable progression beginning in the following Pressurized Service Areas(PSA) in South Richland:

(PSA) in South Richland PSA 73 Hills West

PSA 134, The Orchards

and PSA 141, Willowbrook.

Thursday, Oct 15th, the following Pressurized Service Areas will be shut down off the Columbia Irrigation District canal:

PSA 5, Lampson Estates

PSA 6, Tri-City Heights #1

PSA 82 Garber’s Addition

and PSA 117, Olmsted.

Monday, October 17th, the KID primary US Bureau of Reclamation Chandler Pumping Station will shut down at 7:00 a.m.  By 12:00 p.m. The north and south Amon Pump will be shut down affecting Kennewick areas first including: Panoramic Heights, PSA 163, Canyon Lakes, and PSA 195, Sage Crest.

After 12:00 p.m., PSA’s that are off the KID Main Canal will be shut down including PSA 42 Snyder’s Addition, PSA 166 Rolling Hills Estates,  PSA 171, Country Meadows and PSA 188 Canyon View.

Tuesday, October 18th, pump technicians will turn off all other PSA pump stations by end of business day.

Note:  Shut down of the system will be completed by Tuesday the 18th, but it takes days for water to leave all parts of the canal.  Now is the time to winterize your system; see our fall newsletter for tips!  This is an important time to be diligent about children and pets as the banks are slick and the canals are still dangerous!

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