The Kennewick Irrigation District (KID) would like to let our ratepayers know that the last full day of water delivery will be Oct. 10th. As per our water right agreement, KID is allowed to withdraw a defined amount of water during the irrigation season, which operates between April and October and that percentage is generally met by the middle of October.

On October 11th KID will begin Baseline testing, a process that allows the opportunity to measure the amount of seepage from the canal. During this time canals may appear to be more full than usual due to the intentional backup of water in order to measure the amount of loss from starting to end point.

After the water is turned off, remember to winterize your valve and have your sprinkler system blown out to help prevent cracking and breakage during freezing temperatures.

We invite you to watch our instructional videos, including winterizing your 3-Way valve, and to view our most recent newsletter containing other winterization tips.

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