Reclamation announces Yakima basin March water supply forecast

Media Contact: Brittany Jones 986-226-1467 For Release: Mar 9, 2023 YAKIMA, Wash. – The Bureau of Reclamation’s March 2023 total water supply available forecast for the Yakima basin indicates the water supply will be adequate to meet irrigation demands this season.  The early estimate of the total water supply available for the April-September period indicates senior water rights will […]

Operational Testing

OPERATIONAL TESTING | Over the course of the next several weeks, Kennewick Irrigation District will be conducting operational testing on certain systems throughout our district. Operational testing can only be performed on systems that have a water source, such as a pond.Each system generally takes 2-3 days to test, which will begin each morning and may […]

No Increase in Assessments for 2023 Irrigation Year

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]KENNEWICK, WA – Kennewick Irrigation District (KID) was originally formed as a Special Purpose District in the State of Washington in 1917, but it originates much earlier, dating back to the late 1800s. The modern KID of today began in the early 1950s when the United States Bureau of Reclamation, in partnership with the District […]

Santa is Coming…to KID!

The bells are a’jingling, everything is merry and bright! Santa will be here Wednesday and Thursday from 2-4:30pm. Our address is 2015 S. Ely Street. Look for the large inflatable Santa as that is where you’ll turn in and park (our shop area). Santa will have some small presents to hand out to the little […]

Election Notice

NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the annual election of Directors of the Kennewick Irrigation District will be held December 13, 2022 From 1:00 P.M. to 8:00 P.M. 2015 South Ely Street Kennewick, WA For more information, please click the links below: Notice of Election Election Information

Winterization & Maintenance

Winterization Procedures To prevent freezing and potential damage to your irrigation system, please follow these steps: Verify Shut-Off: Ensure water delivery to your home has ended for the season. Avoid blowing out sprinklers before the official shut-off date to prevent freezing and breakage. Drain Riser & Valve: Disconnect hoses or the irrigation system from the […]

Talk Like a Pirate Day

Today is officially “Talk Like a Pirate Day” and if you’re looking to partake in the festivities, below are some links to all things pirates! Arrrrggghhhh! Pirate Quotes & Sayings Pirate Jokes Pirate Riddles for Kids History of Pirate Talk