This morning the United States Bureau of Reclamation announced that due to warm temperatures and lack of precipitation water users with proratable water rights, including the Kennewick Irrigation District (KID) would be prorationed to 85% of their total water allotment.
KID will not be implementing water restrictions at this time. Total water supply available numbers are released monthly, but may be updated mid-month when necessary. Therefore, because conditions can change rapidly, KID would like to remind our customers that wise water use is always prudent. Consider planting low-water vegetation, replace lawn grass with Xeriscaping, reduce watering times to 3 times per week for no longer than 30 minutes each time and use high efficiency devices, such as micro spray and drip line irrigation to help reduce overwatering and apply water where it is needed.
Updates to this information will be posted here on our website and Facebook page, as needed.